The neighbourhood

Bornhold Haus therefore blends in seamlessly with its reputable neighbourhood that not only attracts Hamburg’s residents but also customers from around the world to enjoy a shopping experience par excellence.

Other tenants in Neuer Wall include Gucci, Hermès, Prada, Hugo Boss, Jil Sander, Louis Vuitton, Unger, Van Laack and Versace – a list that can be continued endlessly. In addition to the retail shops of globally renowned premium brands, traditional companies such as the men’s outfitters Ladage & Oelke or the bookshop Felix Jud give the street its classical elegance.

With special compliments:

our insider picks

Situated directly at the water front, embedded between two Fleets, Bornhold Haus is located in close proximity to Hamburg’s most renowned and popular retail shops, restaurants and hotels as well as sightseeing spots and places to relax. Here are our insider picks of places located in our immediate vicinity:

With special compliments:

our insider picks

Situated directly at the water front, embedded between two Fleets, Bornhold Haus is located in close proximity to Hamburg’s most renowned and popular retail shops, restaurants and hotels as well as sightseeing spots and places to relax. Here are our insider picks of places located in our immediate vicinity:

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With special compliments:

our insider picks

Situated directly at the water front, embedded between two Fleets, Bornhold Haus is located in close proximity to Hamburg’s most renowned and popular retail shops, restaurants and hotels as well as sightseeing spots and places to relax. Here are our insider picks of places located in our immediate vicinity:

Shopping experiences par excellence

    Places to relax

      First-class hotels

        Exquisit restaurants

          Sightseeing spots

            Shopping experiences par excellence

              Places to relax

                First-class hotels

                  Exquisit restaurants

                    Sightseeing spots

                      Our love for Hamburg. for architecture. for detail.
                      Next chapter: